Discharged memories

  • Posted on May 27, 2013 at 9:03 am

Tangle of wires, these threads of lives,
disconnects between phones with
histories now lost in silence in a drawer
in a box of decisions, of memories

electrical elements, complex, elementary
useful without understanding, currency
with potential to make happen, happy,
sad, lose, lost times, lost friends. Lives

lost in a box of decisions, to keep, rejoin
find phones, find friends, find family, or
finally forget and forgive and forsake. Spread
on a carpet of decisions, coiled, laid out

in a mortician’s pattern of cold preparation
of the inevitable under silent eyes
of the accepting bereaved. Nothing flows
in the untangling, connections draw nothing

together again. In the box. In the drawer. In this
burial of so many conversations.


2013 © Andie Davidson

And for the joy of poetry and the page, try this (read it how you like):

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