Drink Brink
a glass | its water still | its smooth |
round mouth | speaks | my refreshment |
but I see | an edge | its hard |
straight line | will take | the glass |
and in one | slight move | will break |
shards will | fall an | instant blade |
and with it | in a | warm basin |
a water | colour red | will paint |
I know | this and its | obvious no |
debate | of alternatives | just release |
please give | me time to | slip aside |
with this glass | this incision | in time |
2013 © Andie Davidson
Reading this poem can be multi-dimensional. Read across; you know what it is about. Feel it. Now read bits (or all) of it down; then across, or up or at random. This poem reflects the fragmentation of the experience and (as did I) still retains integrity.
Now look for ‘inner’, ‘icy’, ‘fallen’. Ask what is happening to my will? In what sense was I in time?